The answer is sweat glands, not sweet glands :)
Pretty much all the other answers don't come even close for consideration. Small intestines have no way of excreting salts and water outside our body and neither do adrenal glands (these are resposible for the release of different hormones).
if you believe a violation of a safety or health standard or an imminent danger situation exists in your workplace
You family doctor in the USA is most cost effective but it also depends on the country you live in
Carbohydrate can be simple or complex. The type of carbohydrate used by the body is glucose it is a simple carbohydrate. When you eat whole grain rice for example the body has to break down the complex carbohydrate molecules in to smaller pieces until it is converted to glucose during digestion. Once it is converted to glucose it can be put into the blood stream and become assimilated
Tùy vào mục tiêu của bạn muốn tăng cân hay giảm cân, Tôi khuyên bạn nên ăn bữa ăn có đủ các chất dinh dưỡng như tinh bột, chất đạm, chất xơ, chất béo tốt,các vitamin khoáng chất cần thiết.