Psychologists or a Psychiatrist
Psychologists can provide counselling and education for people with eating disorders using a variety of approaches. A Psychiatrist can assess someone with an eating disorder to diagnose various disorders
, while also develop treatment plans that help to treat the disorder.
B. Walk through it with them
Suicide is not something to joke about. Which is why if your friend is going through some tough times considering it. You should persuade them not to do it.
Parietal lobe is responsible in discriminating two things by the sense of touch only.
Among the major cerebral cortex lobes in the mammal’s brain, Parietal lobe is situated at the upper level of temporal lobe and is located behind the central sulcus and frontal lobe. It is mainly responsible for the sensory information integration from various parts of our body and connection between them.
It can help in discriminating two objects by sense of touch, and it can localize the touch. Some of its portions are responsible for visuospatial processing.
तत्पुरुष समास :- जिस समास में उत्तरपद प्रधान होता है एवं पूर्वपद गौण होता है वह समास तत्पुरुष समास कहलाता है। जैसे:
धर्म का ग्रन्थ :- धर्मग्रन्थ
राजा का कुमार :- राजकुमार
I think it the answer is B