The obstacles faced were- After the Hundred Year's War, France was depopulated, commercially ruined, and agriculturally weak and feudal disorder prevailed.
Charles VII strengthened the monarchy by creating a royal army and this gained security throughout France. He also reconstructed the Burgundian and Armagnac.
His successors also promoted new industries which gave them more money and expanded the royal authority by gaining territories like- Anjou, Bar, Maine and Provence.
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Buddhism played a dominant role in Tang dynasty China, its influence evident in poetry and art of the period. A universalistic religious philosophy that originated in India (the historical Buddha was born in c.a. 563 BCE), Buddhism first entered China in the first century CE with traders following the Silk Route.
Fort Peck Dam
A picture of the Fort Peck Dam by Margaret Bourke-White was on the cover of the first issues of Life Magazine on November 23, 1936 as it was considered an icon of the 1930's and an example of the CCC work under the New Deal.