E-Pollution is the environmental damage that comes from the constant heat and cooling down in facilities that are referred to data centers. Data centers are where online information is collected, processed, stored and exchanged.
num1=3 and num2=2
myproc(num1) results 6
myproc(num2) results 4
when we add both e get 10
b. server
A server serves responses to requests from client objects.
Answer: Yes
Public key encryption is the encryption technique that is used for private keys and public keys for securing the system.Public key is used for encryption and private key is for decryption.Public keys can only open content of the system
- According to the question, public key encryption is secure for coffee shop customer payment process as they are stored on digital certificates in long form for verifying digital signature and encrypting information.Its computation is difficult to crack through power computer access.
- Other options is incorrect as encryption is not a problem for payment procedures. Thus, the correct option is yes ,public key encryption is secure method for coffee shop customers .