The bill didn't pass, but it prepared the way for later anti-slavery legislation.
The United States government operates on a system of checks and balances. If the Judicial branch checks on the Legislative branch, it could fall under the exercise of Judicial Review. The Judiciary Act is a legislation by the Legislative branch. By declaring it unconstitutional, Chief Justice John Marshall is exercising the power of Judicial Review.
He thinks it’s unfair because the term Asian American lumps
Koreans, Japanese, Chinese, Cambodian, Indonesian and Indian people all in to
one category. It's pertinent that we
manage ourselves, not merely time. A
personal mission statement focuses on what you want to be and do, it makes you
the leader of your own life.
The Great Depression
The United States was still suffering the Great Depression before it intervened. In 1939, Roosevelt told Americans that he wouldn't get involved in World War II, however quickly declared war after the Bombing of Pearl Harbor.
The US would need workers as a result of the war effort, and employed thousands of people at a time. People had jobs for the first time in ages, and many economists believed that the Great Depression was truly over.