<span>In order to better manage your money, understanding how you handle money and the perception you have about spending it will be key to making a realistic plan that you can stick with. Providing yourself with honest answers can be the start to a new money plan that is right for you.</span>
An important result of the industrial revolution in the 19th century Western Europe was that <span>urbanization increased rapidly.</span>
Answer: Larceny
Crime of larceny is known as breaking law in terms of theft .It can involves several activities such as shoplifting, stealing art works , personal possessions of others, robbing automobiles etc.This crime deprives other people from their own belonging.
According to the question,Jenna has stolen Olivia's ring which she has taken off for work and did not return it to her. Thus, she has stolen possession of Olivia which remarks about crime of larceny.
Option B.
Adolf Hitler’s plan to mass-exterminate "undesirable" peoples, is the right answer.
During the Second World War, the Final Solution was a plan of Nazis for the genocide of Jews population. The "Final Solution to the Jewish question" was a code for the mass slaughter of all Jews within the reach of the Nazis. This solution was not confined to the European continent. This policy of voluntary and well-organised genocide beginning across Europe under the occupation of Germany was formed in procedural and geopolitical courses by Nazi influence in January 1942. As a result of this solution, the world witnessed the mass killing of 90 per cent of the total Jews population.
A key feature of Aboriginal Australian culture is the astronomy. Their songlines can be traced through the sky and land.