The correct answer for 1 is b. Duncan is characterized as mild-mannered and altruistic, wanting only the best for his kingdom. Unfortunately, this makes him an easy target for those who want the throne.
The correct answer for 2 is d. Macbeth is a brave and well-respected warrior. In fact, his victory on the battlefield brings him great honor. However, Macbeth demonstrates his cruelty in Holinshed's account after he ascends to the throne and rules over his kingdom.
The correct answer for 3 is c. Banquo is initially Macbeth's ally during war, and then becomes an accomplice when Macbeth plots the murder of King Duncan (this is different from Shakespeare's interpretation of Banquo, who becomes Macbeth's rival for the throne).
The correct answer for 4 is a. As discussed in Question 1, Macbeth is a brave, valiant warrior, while Duncan is a more passive king. Macbeth, then, is confident that war will stop the rebels.
The correct answer for 5 is b. Holinshed repeatedly uses the word "women," and although he describes them more as fairies or nymphs rather than witches, he never actually uses these supernatural words to define them.
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Massachusetts law required a tax-supported school for every community that could boast 50 or more families. Puritans wanted their children to be able to read the Bible.