<span>It is linear, because using the VSEPR theory, when you draw its lewis structure, you get two bonded pairs of electrons, which signifies a linear structure.</span>
The muscle fiber / myofibrils consist of 2 types of filaments - actin and myosin. The myosin filaments are thick filament whereas the actin filaments are the thin filament.
In addition to this, the muscles have A-band and I-bands. These bands give the muscles alternate light and dark colour band structure. In the A-band, myosin filaments are present, whereas in the I - band the actin filaments are found.
In I-band 2 Z-lines are located. The area between the Z-lines is called sarcomere. In this sarcomere region both actin and myosin filaments present.
When muscles get contracted the length of the sarcomere shorten. The actin and myosin filaments overlap in this area. A cross-bridge form between them, with the help of filamentous protein titin.
The correct answer is option c."niche-picking".
Niche picking is a psychological term used to describe the tendency of people choosing environments that complement their hereditary abilities, including making friends who share their abilities and interests. Marvin practice of choosing circumstances where he can practice his natural skills in playing hockey is an example of niche picking.