Se realizaron muchos avances en la metalurgia y la fabricación de herramientas en toda la antigua África. Estos incluyen máquinas de vapor, cinceles y sierras de metal, herramientas y armas de cobre y hierro, clavos, pegamento, armas de acero al carbono y bronce y arte.
espero que esto ayude =)
Many advances in metallurgy and tool making were made across the entirety of ancient Africa. These include steam engines, metal chisels and saws, copper and iron tools and weapons, nails, glue, carbon steel and bronze weapons and art
I hope this helps =)
The media and social networks have allowed people to express their opinion with fewer restrictions.
<h3>What are the media?</h3>
The media is a term that refers to the set of media used to communicate a specific message. Some examples of media are:
- Radio
- Television
- Diaries
- Newspapers
- Journals
Currently the media are still important to spread news and other topics of interest. However, social networks have allowed other people to create content and express their opinions freely.
Learn more about social media in:
dear cannibal
i think what you doing is very wrong and is hurtful to others! please stop this madness at once instead have joy in your life with other not the other way around...
drogi kanibale
myślę, że to, co robisz, jest bardzo złe i szkodzi innym! proszę natychmiast powstrzymajcie to szaleństwo, zamiast tego miejcie radość w życiu z innymi, a nie na odwrót ...