I think it might be d. the lungs expand and contract which increases the rate of blood flow so the muscles can convert and store energy
tell to your advisor what happen so your advisor know what to do.
C. Wearing SPF 30 or greater suncreen on all parts of her body exposed to sun.
Whether it is cloudy or not you should always wear suncreen because it protects you from the rays of sun. Although you don't feel any different when it is a nice day and the sun isn't buning you, the sun is still affecting you with it's rays. Sunscreen protects you from teh rays. Drinking water is always important, you should always stay hydrated or body shuts down. Wearing light long pants and shirts is always good too, a color that is brighter is better, dark colors attrack the sun.
a positive attitude
if you have a positive attitude about everything you wont feel sad about anything and then you will just feel this overwellming happiness and joy inside your soul.
AHA funcionan en la superficie de la piel y son solubles en agua. Funcionan mejor en pieles normales a secas
BHA funcionan en la superficie de la piel y dentro de los poros, es soluble en aceite. Funcionan mejor en piel pieles normales a grasas