When the body element CSS color style was changed, The color of all the text in the HTML file changed to the specified color, the same goes for font-size, font-weight, etc.
HTML or hypertext markup language is a markup language used in web development to implement the position and structure of the web page. It has no style, so, CSS or cascading style sheet is used to style the HTML elements in the web page.
Here are the main functions of an operating system:
1) Manage the resources of the device
The operating system controls how much of each resource is distributed, and it controls things like the processing unit and memory.
2) Establish a interface for the user of the device
The operating system must classify what the classes of the script/code have to do and what they implement.
3) Service application software
The operating system must service each application that is downloaded onto the device. It must balance it's use of storage between apps.
The answer to this question can be given as:
isQuadrilateral = (numberOfSides == 4) ? 1 : 0;
//check condition using ternary operator.
we know that both(Quadrilateral, numberOfSides) is already declared in the program. So the statement for check condition is (isQuadrilateral = (numberOfSides == 4) ? 1 : 0;). To check this condition we use the ternary operator. In this operator, we also check another condition. The syntax of ternary operator (condition ? value_if_true : value_if_false).In this statement on the lift side we use the variable for check condition and right side we check condition if the value is true it prints 1 else it will print 0.
Don't mix business and personal files, group it by category or date. Create folder templates.