A warmup gradually revs up your cardiovascular system by raising your body temperature and increasing blood flow to your muscles. Warming up may also help reduce muscle soreness and lessen your risk of injury. Cooling down after your workout allows for a gradual recovery of preexercise heart rate and blood pressure.
Random assignment.
Random assignment (also known as random allocation, or randomization), in psychology experiments, is randomly selecting participants or units by the use of chance procedures so that each participant or unit has the same chance (equal likelihood) of being assigned to any particular control or treatment group.
"I will invite a friend to exercise with me."
Probably, the nurse explained to the client that the practice of physical exercise involves much more than aesthetics, since there are numerous benefits to those who practice some type of activity. The exercises are good mental health, strengthen the heart, cause physical resistance, among other health benefits. The nurse must also have explained that physical exercises can be enjoyable and need not be tedious. Some combinations can make exercising much more enjoyable than you might think, such as exercising with a friend, and group and group activities. For these reasons, we can conclude that the client felt like doing some physical exercise with a friend.
The correct option is B.
According to CDC, adverse drug events cause more than 700,000 emergency hospital visits annually in USA. There are several reasons for these adverse drug events and one of them is the use of non-prescribed drugs by individuals. Over-the- counter- drugs are those drugs that people can buy without any doctor prescribing the drugs for them. Using drugs in this manner causes serious problems which are usually life threatening.
Drugs and alcohol are NOT good tools for coping with loss. If anything talking with friends and family can help cope with the loss. Also getting outdoors and getting active can help keep your mind off things.
So the answer to this problem is FALSE.
Good Luck! :)