I'm actually not so confident, but I would say "The Dash" I apologize if I might of made you get it wrong. Lol.
//Also I did not take any quiz/test//✨
C. in a character's mind, internal conflict is a character's conflict with him or herself
Holocaust is always a cool subject. Lots of info out there on it too!!
The phrase that provides context clues for the definition of the word majority is “ More students voted for healthy lunch choices “
Actor-a person who portrays a character in a play
Climax- the point in a plot where the interest, tension, and excitement are highest.
Conflict- the problem or struggle in a story
Dialogue – speech between characters in a play
Narrator – a person who tells a story; often spoken in the 3rd person, but may also
be from the 1st person point of view
Playwright – a person who writes the action, dialogue, and directions for movement
in a play
Pantomime – the use of body movements and facial expressions to portray a
character or situation
Plot – a sequence of events that forms a story or drama; problem and solution
Scenery – painted boards, screens, or three-dimensional units that form the
background of a play and enclose the acting area
Script – a copy of a play that provides stage directions and dialogue
Set – the scenery, props, and furniture onstage; also a term for placing props and
Stage directions – an instruction written as part of the script of a play, indicating
stage actions, movements of performers, or production requirements
Stage left - The left side of the stage from the perspective of an actor facing the
Stage right - The right side of the stage from the perspective of an actor facing the
Theme – the message a play or drama communicates about its subject, such as
“greed will lead to trouble”
Tone – the use of inflection to communicate feelings