The soil and rocks in the zone of aeration have pores which are partially filled with water and air. The zone of saturation comprises rocks and soil whose pores are saturated with water. 3. The zone of saturation lies beneath the water table, while the zone of aeration lies above it.
organelles such as nuclei, mitochondria or chloroplast
Phosphoryl-transfer potential is the ability of an organic molecule to transfer its terminal phosphoryl group to water which is an acceptor molecule. It is the “standard free energy of hydrolysis”.
This potential plays a key role during cellular energy transformation by energy coupling during ATP hydrolysis.
A compound with a high phosphoryl-transfer potential has the increased ability to couple the carbon oxidation with ATP synthesis and can accelerate cellular energy transformation.
A compound with a high phosphoryl-transfer potential can readily donate its terminal phosphate group; whereas, a compound with a low has a lesser ability to donate its phosphate group.
ATP molecules have a high phosphoryl transfer potential due to its structure, resonance stabilization, high entropy, electrostatic repulsion and stabilization by hydration. Compounds like creatine phosphate, phosphoenolpyruvate also have high phosphoryl-transfer potential.
Organs are made of different kinds of tissues that work together.
All the organs are made of tissues, the organ level is the next level up from tissues. The groups of tissues work together. The tissues are specialized cell group, the animal body is made of 4 types of tissues: epithelial, connective, muscle, nervous.
Organs and tissues are levels of organization. Organs are structures made up of two or more tissues, together they carry out a particular function.