A. Genetic Biodiversity
All in all, many products that make up food, medicine, and supplies for humans are enhanced by the components of biodiversity.
Similarly, a lot of components that make up our medicines usually come from environments that have extravagant amounts of biodiversity.
Case in point, the country of Madagascar is where most of the formulas of our medicines come from, and it has some of the most vibrant & biodiverse tropical forests in the world.
The dna is not copied before meiosis 2
The contractions of the heart is what creates out blood to pulse through out body and is the basis of our blood pressure; which means this statement is TRUE.
The systolic number (top) of the blood pressure is our heart physically pushing the blood out of the heart and to the rest of the body.
The diastolic number (bottom) of the blood pressure our heart at rest when it has just finished with one pump.
Ecological and ethological approaches to the study of behaviour. The natural history approach of Darwin and his predecessors gradually evolved into the twin sciences of animal ecology, the study of the interactions between an animal and its environment, and ethology, the biological study of animal behaviour.