Answer: Predictive validity
Explanation: Predictive validity shows the extent to which a score on a scale predicts scores on some criterion measure. For example, the validity of a cognitive test for job performance is the correlation between test scores and the performance rating of the supervisor.There are four types of validity, they are face, construct, content, and predictive validity inclusive.
साक्षरता भनेको के हो ?
=>साक्षरता भनेको साक्षर हुनु अर्थात पढने र लेख्ने क्षमताबाट संपन्न हुनु। .
आशा द्द मेरो उत्तर ले हजुरलाई मद्दत मिल्ने छ ।
i think it is depression she needs somebody to talk to :D
perceptual segregation
Perceptual segregation: Developed by Gestalt psychologists.
It is defined as a process of separating the foreground from the background which is performed by a person in everyday life. Also known as the figure-ground segregation problem.
Figure-ground perception explains that an individual tends to distinguish images into objects, or figures, and background, or ground.
Gestalt believed that the mind has an innate capability of perceiving different stimulus patterns based on specific rules. This process of perceiving things are differentiated into five categories that is Similarity, Proximity, Closure, Continuity, and connectedness.
Alyson's perception of this stimulus is an example of perceptual segregation.