The error of percentage is the amount of error over the original amount.
In this case it is 22/95 (not 22 over 77 because 77 is not the original amount they expected to sell.
22/95 = .2315 or 23.2% to the nearest tenth of a percent
Perhaps your teacher just wants 23% as an the approximate error.
Circumference of circle = π × Diameter
= π × 18 cm
= 56.54867 or 56.54 to 1 dp
The answers is A,C,E because if you take the partake line to the slope like it equals to the letters A,C,E
9^7=4782969 and 3^12=531441 and when you add 4782969 and 531441 together you get 5314410. Then divide that number by 90 and get 59049