C. Peak Oil is the answer to your question
Answer: Government policies that heavily tax some activities while subsidizing others and that fix or control interest rates will result in lower productivity of investment.
Explanation: Lowering productivity of investment will cause the economy to not do as well due to the small level of investments happening. When the government heavily taxes different things, it lowers the amount of people purchasing those items due to the high rates.
A firm is an organisation that is created to make profit. They transform resources into products
They include :
- corporations
- limited liabilities
- partnerships
D. is essentially the same in all country markets where it competes but it may nonetheless give local managers room to make minor variations where necessary to better satisfy local buyers and to better match local market conditions.
A think global act local is a strategic business approach or concept which is aimed at achieving a low cost, effective cost, efficiency and focused strategy theme in all the locations where the firm has its operations but nonetheless avails local managers the opportunity and ability to adjust product
specifications, distribution and marketing channels to better satisfy local consumers, as well as effectively and efficiently match local market conditions.
Hence, the competitive strategy of a firm pursuing a "think global, act local" approach to strategy-making is essentially the same in all country markets where it competes but it may nonetheless give local managers room to make minor variations where necessary to better satisfy local buyers and to better match local market conditions.
The answer is B. Socio-cultural
The socio-cultural environment refers to the beliefs, practice, customs, tradition that influences the behaviour of a people that lives in a given population.
The socio-cultural belief of the nation of Brotherton is one that believe that all the planning activities of the organisation should be the duties of manager alone and the employee are just to do as they are told.
However, the American workers participate and make contributions in the decision making process of the organisation.