those poor Esgaroth people. Assuming Erebor is mainly composed of Volcanic igneous rock, I'm guessing that Smaug's fire is cooler than 1200 degC, since he didn't melt the tunnel the Dwarves were hiding in. Most minerals that comprise igneous rock begin to become molten before temperatures reach ~1200 degC.
I don't know if you're asking us how difficult it would be or if this is an actual question for a school assignment, but yeah. A lot of communication is conveyed through facial expressions, body language, eye contact, gestures, and more, so to only communicate by talking would be pretty challenging. Luckily, we'd still be able to fluctuate our tone of voice, but having a blank, emotionless face without us being able to move our shoulders or use our hands would take time getting used to.
First option is May be correct as per my knowledge