Invading Russia proved disastrous because of a few reasons:
1) Timing of invasion: While France invaded towards the middle of summer (the best time is summer), it just wasn't enough time to take over the strategic areas before winter set in, leading to the French defeat and eventual retreat from Russia.
2) Sheer size: Russia stretched across Eurasia, and because of this large extent covering thousands of square miles, Napoleon had a hard time locating and decisively taking over the land and guarding it, which led to infiltration, sabotage, and spies from the Russian empire.
hope this helps
Amid the 1850s, there was a sectional emergency. The sectional emergency was a period in American history where each "area" of the United States went about as its own particular element without respect to the prosperity of whatever remains of the country.
Fundamentally, every one of these occasions finished and started off the Civil War. It was the ideal tempest. The majority of the years preceding the sectional emergency, subjugation had been disregarded by Congress and no choices were made certifying or denouncing it.
Dear Editor of the Los Angeles Times,Hello. I am a white American citizen living in Los Angeles. I have just read about theSupreme Court case of Korematsu v. the United States, and had some opinions I would like todiscuss. This case as made me very irate as I do not agree with the way Japanese Americansare being treated.I believe that forcing Japanese Americans into internment camps is unfair andunconstitutional. It is bypassing their rights as American citizens. Yes, they are of Japanesedissent, but they chose to be here. They left their home country, culture, family, and basicallyeverything they knew behind just to become citizens in this country. They want nothing morethan to take advantage of all this great land has to offer, just like everyone else. It is unfair todiscriminate against them because of their nationality. Korematsu should not have beenarrested for resisting containment, as freedom is a founding principal of the United States. Iagree with the dissenting opinion, as the majority voted to withhold Korematsu’s conviction
Well first of all we won the war so we are able to pursue and press charges in the court of law. The evidence is huge and the unprovoked aggression of the germans in France and Czech had to be used in trial against the germans.