6a. 1 - 2sin(x)² - 2cos(x)² = 1 - 2(sin(x)² +cos(x)²) = 1 - 2·1 = -1
6c. tan(x) + sin(x)/cos(x) = tan(x) + tan(x) = 2tan(x)
6e. 3sin(x) + tan(x)cos(x) = 3sin(x) + (sin(x)/cos(x))cos(x) = 3sin(x) +sin(x) = 4sin(x)
6g. 1 - cos(x)²tan(x)² = 1 - cos(x)²·(sin(x)²)/cos(x)²) = 1 -sin(x)² = cos(x)²
Step-by-step explanation:
answer 30- supplying water to the plants at a specific interval
answer-31 there are five major groups of microorganisms they are : bacteria,fungi algae, protozoa,viruses.
answer-35 the process by which the young form of insects and some animals develops into adult.
answer - 37 sounds that can be here are called audible and the sound frequency that we cannot hear are called in audible sound
answer-34 the rain that contains the chemicals in it from the factories
answer-38 catract is a disease which causes blurrness in the eye lens
Step-by-step explanation: