A grocery store newspaper claims that apple cider and honey can cure cancer, bronchitis, acne, bad breath, heart disease, athlet
e's foot, asthma, the common cold, and other ailments. a shopper decides to consume apple cider and honey exclusively. what questions should the shopper have asked before adopting the apple cider and honey diet?
The shopper should first ask if this claims created by the newspaper is true and is backed up by actual facts. While apple cider and honey do have positive benefits, it is not the answer to all ailments. Assuming that everything said was true, the shopper then must know whether or not he/she has allergies to apple cider and honey like itching, rashes, difficulty in swallowing, etc. Lastly, the shopper should ask how much apple cider and honey should he/she take. Too much of both can lead to adverse side effects. If he/she were to consume apple cider and honey exclusively, then they should visit a doctor or a nutritionist in order to get the right amount of intake.
I would say true. I say this because there have been times where scientists find out that there are better ways of performing experiments, or found that certain materials work better for certain tasks. (Especially true in medicinal fields!)