if you have a credit card, or your guardian has a credit guard you are involved in economics - if you pay interest or something, or your guardian does, you are contributing to economics - if you have ever donated any amount of money to any sort of charity then you are contributing to economics - if you or a guardian has written or received a check, they are involved in economics
The immediate causes that led to the Revolt of 1857 are as Follows:
i) Discontent and resentment against British rule had been growing among the Indians for a long time. By AD 1857. the stage was set for a massive revolt. Only spark was needed to set the country ablaze spark was provided by the events at Kanpur.Lucknow and Central India.
(ii) The rumours of cartridges smeared with pig and cow Eat spread like wildfire. As the Hindus consider the cow sacred and the Muslims do pig's meat, both these communities blatant to harm their religion. This incident, popularly Greased Cartridges Incident, became the immediate cause of the revoIt.
iii) On 24th April. 1857. some soldiers stationed at Meerut also refused to use the cartridges. On 9th May. 1857. they were severely punished for this.This incident sparked off a general mutiny among the sepoys of Meerut. On 10th May 1857, these rebel soldiers killed their British officers. released their imprisoned comrades and hoisted the flag of revolt. This was the official beginning of the 'Great RevoIt'.
Hope this Helped
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In 1780, Virginia's state capital was officially moved from Williamsburg to Richmond. During the war, British troops captured Williamsburg and often raided Virginia towns accessible by water (including Richmond). The worst raid to befall Richmond (a port city at the falls of the James River) occurred in 1781
The doctrine that allowed people living in the territories to decide the issue of slavery through their governmental bodies was called popular sovereignty.