The market that characterizes the industry in which Forey competes is a market where competition is at its greatest possible level and it is a perfectly competitive market and the reason is because its returns decrease with the entering of new firms, also four-firm concentration ratio and Herfindahl Hirschman index are both quite small, so no one has significant market power to set or even influence the market price. In the short-run Forey Inc’s profit will decrease as more and more new firms enter the market and in the long-run Forey Inc will receive only normal (zero) economic profit.
The expected real value (in terms of January 1, 2009, dollars) of the depreciation charge in year 2013 will be $1,958,815.416.
It is expected that the value of the dollar in the German market will fall at the same rate as that of the real market value of the dollar when we envisage the exchange rate will remain the same. Thus the depreciation of the tax write-off in terms of its real value in dollars will fall at 5% every year from 2009 to 2013.
Therefore, at a tax rate of 50% in Germany, a $2.5 million charge on depreciation on the investment of $5 million will result in 2013.
To calculate the real value of the dollar at an inflation of 5% yearly in 2013
When the tax rate in German is 50%, then charges of depreciation of $5 million will equal4$2.5 million in 2013 dollars. When the dollar's real value of this write-off is declining due to the inflation at 5% annually, the real value in 2013 will be calculated as:
Given: $2,500,000 (P/F , 5%, 5years)
; 0.78356 (factor for calculating the amount to be recieved after 5years)
= $2,500,000 * 0.78356
= $1,958,815.416
Communicating value
Communicating value involves showing others what makes one's product or skills different and better than others that are available.
What value means to stakeholders in a situation needs to be defined.
Focus is then given to how the skill or product can meet these unique needs.
Also one needs to understand the most effective platform to use in communicating value.
In this instance Ethan wants to make his resume stand out from all the other resumes that the company receives in order to be selected for an interview
He is communicating the value he can add to the company.
Answer: Option C
Explanation: As per the subject matter of behavioral economics, endowment effect refers top the phenomenon under which it is assumed that a rational individual will retain a commodity he or she already owns rather than acquiring the same commodity if he do not own it.
Hence from the above we can conclude that correct option is C as it states that one will not sell a painting even though at a price that the holder would pay to purchase it himself.
Cash, account receivable, equipment, utilities expenses, salaries expense
Normally, the asset and expense accounts have debit balances while the liabilities, equity, revenue and other income accounts have credit balances.
In the given list of account:
Cash, account receivable, equipment belong to asset accounts, therefore will have normal debit balance.
Utilities expenses, salaries expense belong to expense accounts, therefore will have normal debit balance.
Remaining items in a given list will have normal credit balance.