pls include the passage of what it is that you have read so i can answr your question
if you dont know answers then i dont see why you should be driving
a mobile phone is a great upgrate of tech .every person uses this tech , but is it that good the answer is No . it causes for bad grades if you are distracted , The most students is having a phone just to play on.
so if you use a phone use it the good way
tech means technologie
Whatever answer you pick cannot suggest happiness or contentment.
Prufrock is singularly lonely and so he observes loneliness around him. He thinks himself useless and ordinary so that's what he sees when he looks up at the windows and sees lonely men smoking their pipes.
Granny Weatherall (look at the name -- is it not symbolic of someone who endures all while wishing for something that seems never to be hers?), is every bit as Prufrock. She wants marriage and it is so deeply within her soul that all other grief is wiped away from her.
So what's the answer. Granny can't live life to the fullest; she simply exists and waits, and wants. Prufrock seems to be the same way. B is not the answer.
Forgive what? Achieve what kind of happiness? No C is not the answer either.
Neither one is at peace either with themselves or the world. It's not D.
That means only A is possible. It's not the best answer, but it is the best of this lot.
Just as an aside, a lot of problems would be solved for these 2 if they could just get together.