Expanding minorities' access to higher education
In the end of program number of minorities and colleges and universities was much higher than at the bbegining of it
The society of Ancient Sparta was divided into three main classes. At the top of society were Spartiate. Following the Spartiate were the perioeci and at the bottom, were the helots.
To help every culture fit in around the world
To learn about mistakes made in the past
To know where we as people of the US have come from
To be informed citizens and better able to make informed decisions.
people who study history will not only improve the ability to logically understand the phenomenons or events of the past but also how it affects lives and communities across the globe. Therefore, learning history allows an individual to learn how different societies, traditions, values, and laws were in the past, and how the new ones have evolved from them. knowledge of one's culture help in their integration in different cultures and vice versa.
The repeal of the commitment to Missouri affected Kansas because it allowed for an open conflict between abolitionists and slaveholders.
The Missouri Compromise, also called the 1820 Commitments, was an agreement passed in 1820 between pro-slavery and pro-abolitionist groups in the United States of America, primarily involving the regulation of slave labor in the western territories.
In 1850, the Missouri Compromise goes into crisis. California wanted to enter the Union as a free state, but it was located south of the parallel of 36 ° 30 '- that is, between the slave states. The war seemed close, but then a new agreement emerged: California was admitted with a free state, the other free states were forced to repatriate fugitive slaves, and New Mexico and Utah gained bylaws of territories and not states, that is, without own laws against or in favor of slavery.
The definitive crisis of the Missouri Compromise occurred in 1854 with the Kansas-Nebraska bill, authored by Douglas Douglas of Ilhinóis. Douglas proposed the Organization of Kansas and Nebraska as territories with freedom of choice, by popular decision, between being or not slave state. And as I encouraged the occupation, Douglas suggested that the railroad, still under construction, cut off the two territories. Congress passed the propositions, nullifying the Missouri Compromise. The confrontation between free states and slave states became then open and declared.