The story of ''Homesick" written by Jean Fritz was narrated from first person point of view. Author used this way to describe the story in order to put a reader in the main character's shoes. In other words, the effect of this point of view is that a reader receives information right from the main character through that character's eyes. Characters always appeal and speak to reader using pronoun "I".
The author uses cause and effect to show that the tailor's repair causes the bean to have a black line is your answer.
- The association of the two events of the bursting of a happy bean and the tailor traveling on the same path the bean has burst on leads the narration to automatically figure out that the tailor is going to help the bean somehow.
- The compassionate nature of the tailor has been put an emphasis on so as to convey that it was because the tailor was compassionate, the life of the bean was saved.
Effective, it supports the claim clearly and logically
i dont think so but maybe use a semi colon after the word desks to show how the two clauses are connected and make it sound less like a run-on sentence