- thomas edison electric lightbulb - allows factory workers to work after dark
- james watts steam engine - provided affordable power for factories,
trains, and ships
- eli whitney cotton gin - provided an efficient way to process cotton
to use in the growing textile industry
- henry bessermers bessermer process - provided an economical way to convert iron into steel to produce machinery for trains and factories
- louis pasteurs pasteurization process - provided a way to keep food products safer longer and reduce health risks
The citizens of the U.S.A. with not less than 30 years of
age can contest election to the senate. . The term of office for US Senators is
6 years; there are no term limits. A Senator may serve as long as the voters of
his (or her) state continue electing him, provided he is not removed from
office for misconduct. The US Senate is composed of 100 senators. There are 2
from each of the 50 states, regardless of population. They have to have been a
U.S. Citizen for the past nine years. They must be a resident of the state
which they want to represent, at the time of elections.
A bureaucracy is a group that enables the king to know more people. This excuse lets him have other friends help him out.
Hope this helps!
A, access to the sea
See image, The Fertile Crescent is the green area