5. eólica
6. Creo que luminosa, pero no estoy seguro
7. E. potencial, pero no estoy seguro
8. Sonora
Lo siento, no hablo muy bien español.
They ensure teaching and speaking of native languages in school.
The educational sector of Ghana has helped uphold multilingualism in Ghana through the incorporation of native languages into the curriculum. The Students are usually taught with their native language at an elementary stage after which more focus is put on English Language in subsequent years.
Their educational system also permits teaching and speaking of native languages in schools.
Possesses the power of recognition
The power of recognition means that the Speaker has the power to recognize a certain member to speak to the house first. Mostly, the Speaker gives the recognition first to the Majority leader and then to the Minority leader. After them, the other members of the house are considered for recognition to speak. This the reason that why most members of the House attempt to stay on good terms with the Speaker of the House as then they might get the opportunity to speak earlier and more frequently.
Congressional law making especially when it comes to federalism and the powers of the executive branch.
“The necessary and proper” clause is commonly called the elastic clause. It is was written to ensure that laws congress created were not excessive and did not give too much power to the central gov.