Marbury vs Madison is the correct answer.
They Influence him because of The descendant of French Protestant refugees who came to New York in the late seventeenth century, Jay began a distinguished career in national politics with his election to the First Continental Congress in 1774. A lawyer by training and a cautious politician by temperament, Jay was one of a group of moderate delegates who resisted independence until all hopes for reconciliation with Britain were gone. In the New York provincial convention in 1777, Jay was the principal author of a state constitution that limited legislative domination of government far more effectively than the charters that had just been written in other states.
Woodrow Wilson. Just passed this question on my test
Although there are no right answers I'd say the Louisiana Purchase because it gave a huge amount of land and helped with transporting goods across the country. Making it easier to get resources that would otherwise take a long time to transport.
Be sure to change words and parts of my answer otherwise its just plagiarism and you could get an F.