The pupils will constrict (or get smaller) to let less light in.
Cyanotic is the term used to describe the colour of the child's skin in the documentation of failure to collect a specimen.
Cyanosis is characterized by a shift in the colour of human tissues to a bluish-purple tone. This colour change occurs as a consequence of reduced levels of oxygen being attached to the haemoglobin in the RBCs of the capillary bed. The lips, mucous membranes, nail beds, and ear lobes are among the most common areas on the body to exhibit cyanosis as these areas have thinner layers of skin than other parts of the body. In addition to cyanosis, a bluish discolouration of the skin tissue can be caused due to the consumption of food products with blue or purple dyes.
Learn more about cyanosis here :
<span> descended from land animals</span>. Scientists believed that whales have evolved 50 million years ago from land dwelling ancestors who feed on fish from nearby sea. According to unearthed fossils, the early whale's body was more adapted to land but its relatives are more suited to live in water.
The answer is animal communication. This is the<span> transfer of information from a single or group of animals to other animals that will have an effect on the behaviour of the animals. Types of information include courtship displays, warning off others when defending territory and signalling the presence of a food source. .Animal communication is studied in many different disciplines including </span>animal behaviour<span>, sociobiology, neurobiology and </span>animal cognition<span>.</span>