Comparing financial statement amounts from year to year for the same company
When you carry out a horizontal analysis of the financial statements of a corporation you compare how the different accounts have changed over a period of time.
For example, you can perform a horizontal analysis to determine how total costs affect net profits in the income statement. You take the 2017, 2018 and 2019 income statements and compare how total costs have evolved during that period or time, and what percentage do they represent of total revenue.
George Elton Mayo was well known for his theory about the human relations management which shed lights on things that drive employees motivation. The theory also tells about the factors which affects the productivity of employees, this lead to extensive research in this field which extended the field of human relations management. So it is true that scientific management study has a great contribution from Elton Mayo that lead to further studies of factors that increases the productivity of the employees.
Several factors are taken into account with credit scores. It weighs greatly on debt ratios and payment history. Other items that can influence credit are the length of credit as well as credit inquiries. Credit scores can fluctuate frequently as credit history changes.
Financial Accounting standards Board (FASB)
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) is a private body that works as a non-profit organization that main purpose is established accounting principles in the united states. FASB work for the government, private and for a non-profit organization to prepare and present their financial statement.
FASB working with international accounting standard boards for maintaining and preparing standards worldwide
The statement of cost of goods manufactured is given below.
Statement of Cost of Goods Manufactured
Direct Material $ 71,000
Direct Labour Cost $ 37,000
Indirect Labour Cost $ 2,700
Indirect Material Cost $ 1,600
Utilities $ 3,100
Maintenance $ 4,500
Supplies $ 1,800
Depreciation $ 7,900
Property Tax $ 2,600
Total Cost $ 132,200
o/p WIP $ 5,500
c/l WIP ($ 7,500)
COGM $ 130,200