If you do not spend your money or valuable items wisely, you will not benefit from it but instead sink in your own despair.
Icarus attempted to leave his tower with wings that his father made these wings were made out of wax and feathers which melted when he went near the sun despite his father’s warning not to and drowned due to this
It honors the souls of the millions murdered.
It's kind of like Dia de los muertos (Day of the dead) . It just kinda let's the ghost's of those people know "Hey, you're appreciated" . I know some people don't believe in ghosts, but that's how I think of it. Sorry if there was a specific answer I was supposed to give-but have a great day! (Or night) <)
Elie's will to survive for him and his father.
My guess is the answer <em>b) people with or without sight can be equally unwise </em>
Each man grasped a different part of the elephant. Therefore each man felt something different and thought something different. What none of them thought of was that maybe each of their depictions of the elephant might be correct.