Pink moon is the name for the Full moon of April. The name has nothing to do with the color it will be, but relates to the blooming of wild ground phlox, or pink moss. It is one of the earliest signs of spring, and therefore, the pink moon is also associated with the beginning of spring and summer. The name was used by Native Americans, Colonists and even the Europeans, it was also known as Sprouting Grass Moon, Egg Moon and Fish Moon in the costal tribes. The naming of the full moons was the method of which Native Tribes kept track of the seasons.
This year the Pink Moon will occur on April 26. As this date clashes with a perigee, the Pink Moon will also be a Super moon this year. Astronomers have dubbed this rare occurrence a perigee syzygy moon. This will show the April Moon just a little bit bigger than usual, around 7 percent bigger, and approximately 15 percent brighter than normal. This is because it is at its closest point to the earth.
Use what ever parts you want :) hope that helps!
really don't know the answer to it
The correct answer would be A. It is a actual printed work on paper, rather than digital screening.