Answer: Place a widget on employees’ computer screens that flashes a happy face every time the average customer wait is less than 2 minutes.
Good emotional display go a long way in encouraging people who work for an organization and it in turn reflects on how well they would treat the customer's. Employees are further encouraged when they are not under excessive pressure by either employer or the customer's but are rather given an environment void of worries, it helps them respond well and carefully. The customer support manager placing a widget on employees’ computer screens that flashes a happy face every time the average customer wait is less than 2 minutes sends a relief message to the employees to carry out their work with ease.
Answer: in business a jobber is a manufacturer, tradesman, or wholesaler who deals in small lots of goods or 'jobs,' or acts as an agent, middleman (intermediary), or a sub-contractor, and usually does not deal directly with the principal customer.
Explanation: a jobber is also an informal name for a broker or someone that negotiates with shares or stocks.
If you by a condo, you can deduct your mortgage interests from your gross income, property taxes are also deductible, and you can also get a homestead exemption on your condo since it is your home.
Co-ops on the other hand are corporations that own a building, and you own shares of that corporation. It is very difficult and only under certain circumstances, you can deduct mortgage interest expenses on a co-op, but generally not. You cannot deduct property taxes since you do not own any property yourself and you cannot claim a homestead exemption for a co-op for the same reason.
That is why co-ops are usually cheaper than condos.