Not sure whether this question is requires a specific answer but I would say Waze.
Technological convergence is a term describes the layers of abstraction that enable different technologies t inter operate efficiently as a converged system. Convergent services such as VoIP, IPTV, Smart TV and others tend to replace the older technologies.
As a feature of society convergence can spur economic growth and change how people communicate on a global basis. A good way t evaluate the previous generations, items such as CD player, cassette deck, console TV or corded telephone each served only one function, whereas a single modern handheld computing device can meld several of those functions with hardly any user intervention required.
Program to display greater number:
#include <iostream> <em>// Needed to perform IO operations </em>
#include<conio.h> <em> // header file</em>
using namespace std;
int main() //start of the program
int a , b =0; //initialising the two integer variable
cout<< "Enter first number"<<endl;
cin >> a; //user's first number
cout<< "Enter second number"<<endl;
cin >> b; //user's second number
if (a>b) //comparing the two integers input by user
cout<< a << "is greater than" << b; //display the greater number
cout<< b << "is greater than" << a;
return 0; // exist
Hello the options to your question are missing here are the options
a. 1022
b. 62
c .14
d. None of the above
Answer : None of the above ( d )
A firm is assigned the network part 133.44. It selects an 12-bit subnet part. The number of hosts possible are
= 4094
Note : Subnetting is a technique that lets network administrators use the 32 bits available but the actual host ID portion of the subnetted address is 12 bits in length.