Civil disobedience-- Martin Luther King Jr. used civil disobedience learned from men like Gandhi, Thoreau, and the teachings of Jesus Christ.
The method of civil disobedience uses boycotting, sit-ins, and non-violent protest. Martin Luther King Jr. organized the Montgomery Bus Boycott which was a boycott of the bus system started with Rosa Parks disobedience on segregated buses. It effectively attacked large economic systems which created change due to loss of income.
The civil war ended slavery.
They were both Abolitionist
Henry was an Africans american abolitionist who escaped with his family as a child from slavery in maryland.
Maria was an essayist,lecturer,abolitionist womens rights activist.
Answer: The bigger cities had thriving cosmopolitan markets, and Constantinople became one of the largest trading hubs in the world where shoppers could stroll down covered streets and pick up anything from Bulgarian linen to Arabian perfumes.