The RR technique or the Randomized Response can be used to help ensure that individuals answer sensitive or self-incriminating questions honestly. It is developed by Warner (1965), which aims to eliminate or at least minimize non-response and dishonest answering by survey respondents. This is accomplished by separating the response from the respondent by introducing a controlled measure of chance or uncertainty, which amounts to randomization of the answering process. This protects the identity of the respondents, at the cost of introducing a degree of uncertainty into the responses.
Obsessive-compulsive behavior: In psychology, the term "obsessive-compulsive disorder" is also written as OCD. OCD is distinguished as one of the mental health disorders in which individuals feel or experience repeated and mostly unwanted thoughts, sensations i.e, obsessions, feelings, and images and because of this they tend to engage or involve in different mental acts i.e, compulsions or behavior in return.
Symptoms: Fear of getting contaminated via germs, fear of harming oneself and others, etc.
Treatment: Psychotherapy.
In the question above, the given statement related to OCD is mostly consistent with the learning perspective.
Someone who eats at home alone instead of going to the movies with a friend
There is a proven link between somebody's food behavior and emotions.
Eating can be used as a form of coping with stress, giving a person rejected validation, making a person instantly happy.
In the example above, the person eating alone at home uses its food as a defense mechanism. The person has emotional issues, stemming from low self esteem and fear of rejection. Instead of dealing with these issues by addressing them directly, the person hides away and finds comfort in food. The consumed food is seen as something nice done to them, the person associate the food with the feeling of being well liked and feeling accepted.
...................It is true
Washington states capital is Olimpia