Octavian or Emperor Caesar Augustus is best known for the Pax Romana or Roman Peace. This was a period of prolonged peace and stability in the Roman Empire.
Many Americans on the West Coast blamed Chinese laborers for their low incomes and economic woes. Despite the fact that Chinese people made up only.002% of the population, Congress approved the exclusion legislation to appease labor demands and alleviate widespread worries about protecting white "racial purity." it was perceived to be especially cruel to Chinese immigrants because they were promised equality and freedom in America.
- The ladder positioned to enter the nursery window of the Lindbergh residence.
- Wood from Hauptmann´s attic floor matching the wood from the ladder.
- Photos of $10 gold certificates identified as Lindbergh ransom money which were used by Hauptmann in a gas station.
- The ransom notes compared to samples of Hauptmann handwriting, showing the same grammatical errors in both samples.
- The phone number and address of Dr. Condon, who delivered the ransom money, were written on Hauptmann´s closet.
Many still believe that the evidence provided was merely circumstantial, meaning Hauptmann could be innocent.