"<span>There are no constitutional requirements for becoming a federal judge" so the President can technically nominate anyone he or she choses, although this person has to be confirmed by the Senate. </span>
The incident in which Hamlet gets off the ship to England plays an important role in changing the entire plot. As he was being "escorted" to England by Guildenstern and Rosencrantz, he switches the letter that the King had given with the one he writes. The original message that the King had wanted to pass on contained an order to kill Hamlet in England. However, Hamlet switches the letter with a new one which orders for Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to be executed.
After this, a pirate ship attacks the ship that Hamlet was on. We are not given much detail on such an occurrence but we find out that Hamlet got onto the pirate's ship as the pirates were attacking the ship that was supposed to take Hamlet to England.
Shakespeare does this in order to bring Hamlet back to Denmark and resume the plot. Although, the literary merit behind such a plot manipulation is widely debated as being either acceptable or flagrantly unacceptable.
The original thirteen colonies flourished and developed into what became the fifty US states, thanks to ample resources and opportunities. This country's political geography was the consequence of many treaties and conquests that resulted in the country reaching from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.