1. Cope, treat, control, handle, treat
2. trouble, worry, dilemma
3. Relax, unwind, rest, unlax
4. Healthy, healthful
5. Adequate, abundant, decent, sufficing
6. Daily, day-to-day, often, periodically, regularly, regular, routinely
7. belittle, criticize, slam, slander,
8. abounding, bounteous, bountiful, countless, innumerable, plentiful
9. Cramped, inflexible, solid, rigid, stiff, tense, tightened
10. Depressed, morose, pessimistic, unhappy, blue, destroyed, dispirited, down, dragged low, bad, cast-down, glum, grim, let-down, low-spirited, woebegone
11. Afraid, anxious, panicky, startled, petrified, shaken, terrified, aghast, panic-stricken, terror-stricken
12. Fatigue, weariness, debilitation, enervation, expenditure, feebleness, lassitude, prostration
Hello, the correct answer is "why". "Let's meet in the library to study." Why? "So that you can prepare for the finals."
1. If my memory serves me well, Lincoln's focus in the Gettysburg Address was to <span>describe the importance of the union and freedom. (D) Lincoln's main purpose was to describe what impact had the war on the country. He d</span>enounced the injustices of the nations law.<span>
2. I am definitely sure that the </span>purpose of Martin Luther King, Jr. writing "Letter from Birmingham Jail" was to <span>defend his actions, react to a statement, share his opinions regarding segregation. Letter from Birmingham Jail has many things in common with Lincoln's Gettysburg address.</span>