I gave three answers and brainless patrol deleted them so sorry they were (pet grooming, dog breeding and farming)
Important reasons for studying history are recognizing patterns, connecting the past to the present and revealing past contributions of civilizations.
Well The Nile River flooded annually; this flooding was so regular that the ancient Egyptians set their three seasons Inundation, or flooding, Growth, and Harvest around it.
This annual flooding was vital to agriculture because it deposited a new layer of nutrient-rich soil each year. In years when the Nile did not flood, the nutrient level in the soil was seriously depleted, and the chance of food shortages increased greatly. Food supplies had political effects, as well, and periods of drought probably contributed to the decline of Egyptian political unity at the ends of both the Old and Middle Kingdoms.
They taxed the American Colonists and they had to revolt and boycott buying what the townshend acts taxed.
Have a good day :D and if you liked my answer mark me brainliest
It lies in the fact that the senior party to any relationship provided land and oversight to the junior party’s who in turn was expected to provide his lord with economic and military support.