Answer: a lot of them were experienced in different crafts and had a wide range of different beliefs.
The British take over of Egypt was an example of "imperialism", since it meant that the British went into a foreign country and imposed their economic and political will.
Philip, however, also had a difficult time adjusting to the school at first. The episode of The Crown, entitled “Paterfamilias,” featuring Gordonstoun shows Philip clashing with his peers and resisting some of the responsibilities he’s given at school, such as building walls. (At the time of Philip’s attendance, Gordonstoun was a new institution, founded by Kurt Hahn, a Jew who fled Germany due to the rise of the Nazis.)
Manufacturing, production and efficiency had increased through necessity during the Great War. America had emerged as a world industrial leader and the US economy was booming, profits were increasing which led to the period in American history called the Roaring Twenties with a massive rise in consumerism for the wealthy.
The correct answer is Article I Section 1. All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.
The idea of separation of powers refers to a government in which there are several different branches that each have unique responsibilities. The aforementioned part of the Constitution is a perfect example of this, as it states that Congress has the ability to make laws in the US. Congress is given the ability to make laws, whereas the Supreme Court is given the power to interpret the constitution and whether or not laws are constitutonal, and the President is given the power to enforce the laws. This shows that each branch has a specific job in our government.