Increases heart rate, which pumps more oxygen to the brain!
She made her point on what she believed and she kept the argument strong.
There are many reasons why Zachary can't concentrate. He might have something on his mind that is bothering him, he could be hungry, he could not have a lot of energy. The best thing Zachary could do to help the paper not suffer is leave his desk and paper alone for about a half an hour, and maybe eat something, or just take a break. Maybe take a nap to get some energy back up so that he can get everything he needs in his paper.
A. Happy couples listen to each other
Omega-3 fats have gotten a lot of good press for their many benefits to the body and with good reason. The University of Maryland Medical Center explains that Omega-3 fatty acids may be useful for:
Reducing the risk of heart disease and causes of death associated with heart disease
Reducing severity of symptoms associated with diabetes
Reducing pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis
Reducing risk of osteoporosis and bone loss
Improving health and reducing symptoms for those with autoimmune disease
Helping those with anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder
Reducing risk of various types of cancers
Improving cognitive function