Asian and European both benefited from technologies to attain power, primarily from the shipment of firearms
Write what you think about this Mayan civilization
The Maya are probably the best-known of the classical civilizations of Mesoamerica. Originating in the Yucatán around 2600 B.C., they rose to prominence around A.D. 250 in present-day southern Mexico, Guatemala, northern Belize and western Honduras.
Los mayas son probablemente las más conocidas de las civilizaciones clásicas de Mesoamérica. Originarios de Yucatán alrededor del 2600 a.C., se destacaron alrededor del 250 d.C. en el actual sur de México, Guatemala, el norte de Belice y el oeste de Honduras.
The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor for the main reason of tension in the Pacific. The Americans weren't necessarily in the conflict at this point, but were sitting in the Pacific watching the Japanese, if the Japanese were to grow in power, they can't have the Americans on their tail. The attack counterattacked the Japanese if you really look at it. Most people would relate the Pearl Harbor attacks as "poking the sleeping bear with a stick", and that's true. We turned the fighting back to the Japanese in the months after the attack. And four long years later, we dropped the "Little Boy" atomic bomb on island town of Hiroshima -- And the second bomb called "Fat Man" on Nagasaki 3 days later. The Japanese surrendered less than a month after the bombings. So, the attacks of Pearl Harbor really hurt the Japanese more than it hurt the Americans.
It was "nationalism" that replaced the feelings of sectionalism in the early 1800s, since this was a time of great physical and emotional growth for the US, in which the country started to feel more like a single "unit".
It included all except for C: Cortes.