There are 2 tribes that are known to the Sahara desert and their names are Tuareg tribe and Bedouin tribe. The Tuareg tribe are said to be tall, fair skinned and Berber-speaking nomadic people
The process of interpreting messages from others into meaning is called DECODING. Decoding has to do with conversion or interpretation of codes into meaningful forms. For communication to take place the receiver of the message must be able to decode correctly what the message is saying.
B and D are correct.
A is incorrect: Trees cannot live fully immersed in sea water.
C is incorrect: The surfaces are very varied all over the ocean floor.
Marxism theory is that the upper tear of society rules the lower tear, and institutions like social welfare is one way that the lower class tries prevent their exploitation. This is Social Control of the social classes. The lower tear engaging in welfare is the exorcize of their power,
They thought the government would get like Britian and deny them of their rights