it's islam requires fasting during the holy month of the ramadan.
The Ford Model T was a low-cost car produced by the Ford Motor Company of Henry Ford from 1908 to 1927. With it became popular production chain, allowing lower prices and facilitating the acquisition of cars to the middle class, was also the first serial car in the world.
This car has a direct impact on popular culture, from the moment it appeared it could be seen in the silent cinema and its price was accessible to society, giving the feeling of economic prosperity.
Prohibition increased corruption because people ignored the law.
Phule consider caste to be a 'creation of their (Brahmin) deep cunning is explained below in details.
Brahmanical cunning in the caste arrangement
If we continued to give up the advantages obtained under the existing government, and if the government were to come into the instructions of followers of caste control and domination and varna dharma, the slaughter of the caste arrangement would nevermore be washed out.