Relief; recovery; and reform.
The Works Progress Administration (WPA) program was a relief program. The program was created by President Franklin Roosevelt for employment and infrastructural purpose during the time of the Great depression in 1935. <u>The plan was build under the New Deal, with the purpose to bring relief to the country and also to bring the country out of the problems and effects of the Great Depression. </u>
The Public Works Administration was a recovery program created by the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933. <u>The purpose of the program was to recover the nation's major infrastructures such as airports, schools, hospitals, electricity-generating dams, etc. </u>
The Social Security Act was created by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1935. The purpose of this act was to reform the old-age benefits of aged persons, disabled persons, unemployed workers. <u>The act provides security to these people by giving them benefits on a federal level which was earlier only at the state level. </u>
Based on the question, the best answer for this would be:
Cro-Magnon cavemen
These early homosapiens had left what had happened during
the prehistoric periods. Cro Magnon referred to the rock shelter where they
lived near Dorgogne France, these people lived in Europe and northern part of
Answer: Europe saw the colonization of Africa as an opportunity to acquire a surplus population, thus settler colonies were created. With this invasion, many European countries saw Africa as being available to their disposal.
A biological species<span> is a group of individuals that can breed together (panmixia). However, they cannot breed with other groups</span>
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Illinois, Indian, Iowa, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, and Utah