In China, I think, or just in Southern Asia
A Gubernatorial Election is the election for the Chief Executive of a State, better known as a Governor.
Each State decides how often to elect a Governor and by what rules they want to elect but the typical term is four-years with a two term limit, similar to the US President.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton was an early leader of the woman's rights movement, writing the Declaration of Sentiments as a call to arms for female equality.
Civil society comprises organizations that are not associated with government including schools and universities, advocacy groups, professional associations, churches, and cultural institutions (business sometimes is covered by the term civil society and sometimes not).
Negative reinforcement
Negative reinforcement can be defined as the acts or behaviour carried out by person in order to encourage someone to do what he /she said.
Negative reinforcement are often use to encourage or motivate someone and as well change the person behaviour. It also strengthened a person behaviour by removing negative result.
This example "Elton's mother has been nagging that he should practice at the piano for the upcoming competition. Elton eventually complies to stop her nagging" simply illustrates NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT because Elton's mother was nagging in order to encourage Elton's to practice the piano for the upcoming competition and as well change is behaviour in which Elton finally complies to do what she said due to her nagging.