The parallelism emphasizes the speaker's Irish nationality.
edge test 2020
Peaceful negotiations to ensure peace had been underway.
It is important to understand the demographics of our audience.
Understanding demographics of the audience means to understand what kind of audience it is. We analyse their understanding and beliefs. For example: the way one delivers a speech to children would be different from the way speech is delivered to professors or to corporate people.
Logos is a technique by which audience is convinced with the help of reasoning which has facts and figures. Ethos is a technique in which the speaker establishes a trust or credibility with the audience. Pathos is an emotional appeal or it is way to persuade the audience by evoking their emotions.
Depending on the audience, relevant technique should be used. If one is addressing students, one could use pathos. If one is addressing the farmers for their issues, logos could be used to help them understand things better. Ethos could be used for group of professors as they are learned individuals and should believe in the speaker.
When CITING A SOURCE in the body of your paper, which of the following are appropriate (“true”) practices?
You don’t need to cite page numbers when quoting.
You don’t have to cite authors in the text as long as you cite them in the reference list.
You must use quotation marks and page citations of the author when citing the words directly.
You must indent quoted material in a block if the quote is longer than three lines.
You can avoid using quotation marks if you change every 4th or 5th word in the quote.
You must use page citations when you paraphrase.
You should avoid using quotes from other authors in your own writing.